
Inside the Mind of a Buyer: Insights for Wholesale Suppliers

Vandana Chaudhry


16 Apr 2024

Exploring buyer priorities in multi-brand retail.

In the dynamic world of retail, understanding the priorities and challenges of buyers is crucial for suppliers aiming to foster successful partnerships. Taking a multi-brand retailer as a reference point, this article delves into the priorities of buyers and underscores the importance of leveraging digital tools and platforms for wholesale growth.

Buyers (almost) operate a virtual time machine, oscillating between three critical time periods: forecasting future trends for upcoming seasons, maximising current merchandise sell-through, and retrospectively analysing past sales to grasp demographic shifts and lessons learned. In this ever-shifting landscape of dynamic decision-making, here are some of the core priorities of a wholesale buyer:

  1. Product Quality and Innovation: Buyers are perpetually on the hunt for products that not only meet the high-quality standards expected by their customers but also bring something new to the table. Innovation, whether in design, technology, or sustainability, can set a brand apart in a competitive shop floor. Ability to communicate this point of differentiation through either marketing material or staff training modules will score bonus points.

  2. Brand Alignment: The ethos and image of the products must align with the store’s brand identity. Buyers are tasked with curating a selection that resonates with their target audience's values and lifestyle, ensuring a cohesive shopping experience. How does their audience relate to your brand - is the million-dollar question. Being able to articulate this in a 90-second pitch will get instant recall. Andisor’s story feature helps you communicate your elevator pitch to prospective buyers.

  3. Reliable Supply Chain: The ability to deliver products on time is non-negotiable. Buyers prioritise suppliers with reliable and transparent supply chains to avoid stockouts and maintain customer satisfaction. An integrated platform that connects to buyer ERPs and your warehouse platform will go a long way in building transparent communication. As an example, API-enabled digital platforms can connect with your WMS to display shipment tracking to buyers, bringing them along on the product journey. 

  4. Competitive Pricing: Pricing is pivotal, though not the only key factor, in the decision-making arena. Buyers aim for optimal value for their consumers, striking a balance between profit margins and brand allure to meet their P&L objectives. There are numerous strategies to craft an enticing pricing proposal:

    • Introduce a range mix featuring select high-margin products alongside core offerings.

    • Position category leaders at enhanced margins to spark buyer interest.

    • Implement flexible pricing over various delivery windows to align with your production and sales capacities.

Handling such diversity in pricing and collections manually can open a Pandora's box, turning into a financial quagmire. However, with Andisor's sophisticated tools, setting up is straightforward via a visual interface. The platform's advanced features manage the intricacies across seasons, providing a clear, transparent view of pricing and margin mix for both you and your buyers. Utilise the collection and persona features on Andisor to establish multiple pricing and order delivery windows, crafting a compelling offer for the season.

5. Data-Driven Insights: In today’s retail landscape, decisions are increasingly data-driven. Buyers value suppliers who can provide insights into consumer trends, product performance, and market dynamics. This holds true both ways; buyers who are proactive in providing data have much better outcomes in collaborating with suppliers.

The Digital Advantage

Adoption of digital platforms in wholesale is a strategic response to the evolving needs of buyers. These platforms streamline operations, enhance visibility, and offer data-driven insights, among other benefits. Here’s a 60-second summary of how digital platforms bridge the gap between suppliers and buyers.

1. Streamlined Operations: Digital platforms offer tools for efficient order processing, inventory management, and logistics, reducing the manual effort and potential for errors. This operational efficiency is highly attractive to buyers, who are always looking for ways to simplify their procurement processes.

2. Enhanced Connectivity and Visibility: Suppliers engaging with platforms like Andisor gain increased visibility and connectivity among buyers. Some enterprise retailers utilise their own ERP and software systems, which typically operate in silos and do not communicate with their suppliers' systems. This lack of integration can create data silos and lead to inefficiencies. Andisor serves as a connector platform, integrating these disparate systems to maintain a single source of truth. This approach enhances the accuracy and transparency of data, making it easier and more effective for buyers and suppliers to make informed decisions. By leveraging Andisor, businesses ensure that all parties have access to consistent and reliable information, breaking down barriers and streamlining the decision-making process.

3. Data Analytics: Advanced analytics capabilities enable suppliers to offer valuable market insights to buyers, helping them make informed decisions based on consumer behavior, sales trends, and product performance.

4. Collaborative Relationships: Digital platforms foster a collaborative environment where buyers and suppliers can easily communicate, negotiate, and adapt to market changes together. This partnership approach is crucial for long-term success in the wholesale market.

For suppliers eager to excel in the competitive arena of multi-brand retail, grasping the mindset of wholesale buyers is essential. Aligning with buyer priorities and innovating to stand out are crucial steps toward unlocking growth, enhancing efficiency, and fostering collaboration.

Have we overlooked a key priority? Drop your thoughts in the comments. Disagree or have a different perspective? We're ready for a lively debate. Interested in seeing how Andisor can turbocharge your wholesale relationships? Reach out for a demo at

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